Monday, October 5, 2009

The world has ended, the world has ended and I am Macy’s. What do people buy for their funeral? Should I be buried or should I become lost at sea, I could be found either way. I don’t want a tuxedo, I don’t think I should dress nicer in death than in my short life. I should have known, I should have realized that I too could be affected. No one is immune to death. When I was a child I wanted to be a firefighter, like most boys my age, and then my father read me an article about three firefighters who died in a fire. It’s impossible, no one dies fighting, do they?
The one exception was Apollo Creed of course, he died so that Rocky could finally do what needed to be done. Tear down the iron curtain. There is a nice blue suit, but I think I will be die in khaki, or maybe a denim suit. One time I wore a blazer over a black turtle neck with jeans. The car, what would happen to the car, I was just put on rotation. Should I tell anyone, should i do something, I am not a man of action, I am Lemmy, I am Honey I Shrunk the Kids, I am an accident.
I envy women, when they get bad news they can eat a whole tub of ice cream, when a man gets bad news they drink, and I can’t drink anymore. I can’t drink anymore because it makes me think there are fire ants in my throat, it gets them under my skin, digging through the muscles. I hate insects, almost as much the Chad’s of the world. My dogs eat spiders, so there is no problem. I found a big beastie one in my shower before they moved in, I could see every eye, it was black. I left my apartment and stayed at a Best Western. That was when the pyramid was thriving, I had to rake my money into my wallet, I drank whole milk back then, now I’ve been reduced to skim. Off brand skim.
I should never have taken the bus, I always hear about people being mugged on the bus, I never should have taken the bus. It’s like when your mother tells you not to touch the stove because it’s hot, but you touch it anyway, and now your tongue is black. I’m a limp noodle trying on packages, and at best, I’m thinking a box is more appropriate than the plastic wrap. It’s less noisy, more comfy, maybe with one of those ceiling windows and a corduroy interior. I will have lines on my skin forever, and then I will become an ant farm, but the queen will live in a kidney, and reserve the other as a guest house. Long live the monarchy.
I am dying, the world is ending, and I never should have taken the bus. My hands are sweaty and my stomach hurts, I pull the pink bottle from my jacket pocket, take a quick sip and put it back in. My cheeks are wet, I’m crying, this time I know why.

the rest is a little bit of dialogue that doesnt really make sense without the part before this.

1 comment:

Justin Rose said...

1. best westerns are classy
2. i grew up on off brand skim
3. i want to see you in a black turtleneck. it would equal pure delight.