Thursday, January 24, 2013

2 more? yes, its a personal best.

Flashing lights made the children happy
but the screaming made them shiver
there was no dance in the air,
our hands wreaked of fire
and the skin of her teeth fell
like a leprosy of plastic lining.
When the mime turned to howling
like a battered shell-less turtle
no ribbons could mask the tapping
of a ravens depraved rapping
or the soulless rhythm that rang slowly
but surely
all the while reminding
that destiny is a concept never completed
and infatuation breeds decrepit men. 

There was a loud crack
that shook their skin loose.
They aged in a day but it wasn't stress
it was the seismic waves
and when the earth finally quaked
there was nothing left
but the big blue.
It wasn't till the greens sparked some life
that the strings started singing
and you could hear the thunder
of the splashing pools,
but the frogs all migrated leaving lilly pads unleapt
and there jaws agape on the floor.

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